I highly recommend these waders for saltwater or fresh water fishing. I also will forever be a fan because of the over and above customer service!!! Excellent customer service. Miss Mayfly suspected that I had ordered the incorrect size and sent another pair without hesitating to ask. They were absolutely correct and I ended up going with their recommendation.
The waders are very well made and the material does not “give” way and easily ripped. They clean up easily and fit well in my wading boots. And speaking of the fit, wow! It is so nice to have waders that are built for a woman’s figure. One size does not fit all Jere and it is well worth the price to be comfortable out on the water or boat!
I will promote these every chance I get! I am part of a ladies group: Gulf Coast Lady Anglers and I already know of two ladies who are also Miss Mayfly advocates! I highly recommend these booted waders.